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Silencers 101

Direct Thread vs. Quick Detach Suppressors

Aside from caliber and price, one of the biggest deciding factors when choosing a suppressor is how it attaches to the gun. Some people swear by direct thread; others insist that they will only own quick detach.

As with anything, there are pros and cons to each design. We’ll go over those, answer some FAQs, and offer some help in choosing the right one for you.

Direct Thread vs. Quick Detach: What’s the Difference?

The names essentially say it all. Direct Thread suppressors thread directly onto the end of the barrel of a gun. Quick Detach suppressors utilize a special mount or muzzle device to secure the can to the end of the barrel. That’s really it. One isn’t inherently better than the other. They both serve different purposes and the decision is ultimately yours to make.

Direct Thread Suppressors

Direct Thread suppressors (like the BANISH 22, 223, 30, and 45) utilize a single thread pitch and they screw right onto the threads on the muzzle of your gun. (Bonus about the BANISH 45: you can change the direct thread pistons out to different thread pitches.)

Benefits of Using Direct Thread Suppressors

Direct Thread suppressors are often a bit lighter and shorter than their QD counterparts. This is because there’s one less part - a muzzle attachment device of some kind - which also allows it to be a tad bit shorter.

Because of the fewer parts mentioned above, these kinds of suppressors are often easier on the wallet. If cost is a concern, this might be the way to go for you.

For those who want the most simple on/off method out there, a Direct Thread suppressor offers a straightforward attach/detach process.

Precision shooters often choose Direct Thread suppressors because they have less point-of-impact shift when switching between suppressed and unsuppressed fire. If you think you’ll be needing to shoot precise groups or will be waffling between suppressed and unsuppressed shooting, then this might be a good option for you.

Potential Drawbacks

The biggest drawback of a Direct Thread suppressor is the use of a single thread pitch. This means that the gun you use has to have a barrel with the same thread pitch as the suppressor. If not, you’ll need to buy an adapter. Pistons with different thread pitches are also available for some cans. If an adapter or piston isn’t available, then you’re out of luck. You simply cannot use that gun/can combo.

Another added cost, albeit a rather small one, is the need for thread protectors. When your suppressor isn’t mounted on the host gun, the threads will be exposed to damage. To prevent this, you’ll need to buy a screw-on thread protector to keep them safe in the meantime.

Suppressors that are Direct Thread are also more likely to back off or come unscrewed on their own. While this isn’t a huge problem as long as you’re aware of it, it can be damaging to your suppressor by causing a baffle strike due to the looseness of the suppressor to the host gun.

Quick Detach (QD) Suppressors

Quick Detach suppressors (like the BANISH 30-GOLD) utilize special muzzle devices that facilitate the attachment and removal of the unit.

Benefits of Using Quick Detach Suppressors

As the name implies, a Quick Detach suppressor offers a way for the user to quickly detach and reattach the unit to one or more firearms.

Since QD suppressors use special muzzle devices with the thread pitch (or sometimes a locking lug design) built into the outside of the unit, they tend to offer their own thread protection. They also allow you to use a muzzle device when shooting unsuppressed without having to reattach said device when the suppressor is not in use.

Regardless of the kind of QD attachment a can uses, they tend to stay put better than their Direct Thread counterparts. This means that they’re less likely to back off of the barrel, thereby reducing the likelihood of shooting-related damage to your gear.

If you go back and forth between suppressed and unsuppressed shooting quite a bit, then a QD suppressor might be just what you need.

Potential Drawbacks

Sometimes the QD mounts use proprietary locking mechanisms in their attachment methods. While the lockup may be rock solid, it can also be costly. Whereas all you have to worry about is if the thread pitch is the same between multiple host guns, with a QD unit, you have to have the same proprietary device on each gun you want to use with that suppressor.

Since there are more parts to a Quick Detach suppressor, they tend to cost more than a similar Direct Thread suppressor. Unless money is of no concern, this is definitely something to keep in mind when making your choice.

Need an incredibly consistent point-of-impact whether you’re shooting suppressed or unsuppressed? Well, then a QD can might not be for you. While POI should change very little, it’s still more when using Quick Detach than Direct Thread. Be sure to factor that in if you like to shoot super tight groups.

Common Questions

It’s totally normal to have lots of questions about suppressors! Here are some of the most common ones we get when it comes to direct thread versus quick detach models, and barrel threading in general.

What if my barrel isn’t threaded for a suppressor?

Good news! Almost every barrel can be threaded to your chosen pitch for use with a suppressor. This is a really easy thing to have done, but it’s also really easy to do it wrong.

At Silencer Central, we offer our own in-house CNC barrel threading services. We’ve taken great care to ensure that your barrel will be threaded with the utmost precision to ensure that your rifle shoots true and won’t result in any suppressor baffle strikes due to misalignment.

The 360 Mailing Program is our easiest and most popular option for sending us your barrel(s). 360 mailing makes it simple to get your barrels threaded and shipped back to you. We ship a 4″x 8″x 48″ box and soft case(s) for your barrels along with a prepaid return shipping label directly to your front door.

The mailing program costs $39.99 and can ship up to two rifle barrels. The cost for threading barrels starts at $99.99 and includes a thread protector and any disassembly/reassembly labor on our end.

What is a QD suppressor?

Quick Detach suppressors (like the BANISH 30-GOLD) utilize special muzzle devices that facilitate the attachment and removal of the unit.

Can you put a suppressor on a non-threaded barrel?

There are some clamp-on or other sorts of methods to mount a suppressor on some kinds of guns that lack standard barrel threading, but the whole concept is fairly antiquated and not as reliable as either a direct thread or QD mounting option.

Plus, most guns come with the option of a threaded barrel, and if not, it’s very affordable to have us thread barrels for you!

What is a direct thread suppressor?

Direct Thread suppressors (like the BANISH 22, 223, 30, and 45) utilize a single thread pitch and they screw right onto the threads on the muzzle of your gun.

Get Help Choosing the Right Suppressor

Hopefully, the info above has been helpful and you’ve been able to decide which attachment option is best for you. If not, that’s OK! We’re here to help. Silencer Central can be your one-stop shop for all your suppressor needs as you go forward and choose the best silencers for your firearms.

We provide the most hassle-free way to buy your silencer from start to finish. We offer direct delivery, help with establishing an NFA Trust, and even payment plan options. Send us an email or give us a call today to get started!