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Firearms Hunting Silencers 101 Suppressor Care

Why buy a .22 suppressor?

Since .22-caliber firearms are, quite honestly, the most-popular guns in existence, the question some of you may have is, why should I buy a .22 suppressor? After all, one of the main reasons to buy, own, and shoot a .22 is the fact that they are pretty inexpensive all the way around. Why add to that cost with a .22-caliber suppressor? The reasons are quite numerous, though. Don’t worry, I’m going to go through some actual reasons that you should logically consider a .22 can as an important purchase, but let’s just start off by stating the obvious. Why buy a .22 suppressor? Because you can. 

The Mighty 22! 

The vast majority of us started our shooting experience with a .22lr rifle of some kind. Yeah, I know I could say some form of air rifle, but when it comes to gunpowder-propelled firearms, a .22 is where most of us started off from. I know my first real rifle was a Marlin Model 60. I can’t tell you how many boxes of .22lr ammo I fed into that tube magazine-fed gun, or the number of targets, cans, and squirrels that found their way in front of the business end of it. I’d still have it if some person hadn’t decided then needed it more than I did and so it was “donated” from the trunk of my car. I’m still not bitter about it some 25 years later. Nope, not at all. 

A .22 is the perfect firearm. It has little to no recoil, and ammo is usually cheap and abundant – Usually! They are perfect for beginning shooters of any age, and are great for plinking, target shooting, hunting, or just getting some good, old-fashioned trigger time. And let’s not forget that a .22 can be fairly inexpensive to buy in the first place, although they can get pretty pricey when you look at the amazing things some manufacturers are doing with the platform. 

Why suppress your .22? 

This is where we get into the really grit of why you should seriously consider a .22 suppressor.  Don’t worry, this isn’t going to be a hardcore sales pitch, either. I’ll share some links if you want to buy one, but this is more about extolling the benefits of the can.  

A .22 averages between 130 and 150 decibels at the ear when you shoot it. It is closer to the 140 mark for most of them, but there are a few variations where it can be quieter than that. If you can find one of the old .22 shorts, that would do it, but then we’re getting away from the cheap and plentiful side of things. The levels of most .22 firearms sit right at that hearing damage threshold, and anytime we can get a firearm below that level is important. 

Think of it this way. You need to protect your hearing. You also need to protect the hearing of those around you, like your hunting buddies and especially your kids if you’re teaching them to shoot and hunt.

If you hunt with a dog, seriously consider protecting their hearing too, by using a suppressor.

If you’re hunting the type of game you’d use a .22 for, and use a dog, you should also consider protecting their hearing, too. My old retriever would have certainly appreciated it if I had had a suppressor back when she was still around.  Did you know dogs can suffer hearing damage from shooting? It is called Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and is a real problem for dogs because they can't tell us it is happening, and it is a scary thing for a dog. I think my next bird dog may be a Clumber Spaniel and I will not hunt over any dog without a suppressor again. That means I'll also need a shotgun suppressor... I know a place to get one, too. Might even be something new coming along soon, too.

Hollywood magic 

James Bond
Bond. James Bond. And my quiet Walther... Photo from SilencerCo.

This is not necessarily a major selling point, but if you’ve ever seen a suppressor being used in a TV show or movie, they love to make it seem like the can cuts down all the noise, making it impossible to hear the gun going off. As with most of what you see in movies, that depiction is about as accurate as the answers I wrote down on my last college math test. There’s a reason I’m a writer and not an engineer, people! 

The caveat here is that a quality .22 suppressor is about as close as you can get to that mythical “Hollywood quiet” with a firearm. For example, a BANISH 22 suppressor cuts the sound of a Ruger 10/22 down about 23 decibels at the ear. That’s not as silent as a movie gun, but it’ll be closer than you think. 

Because you can 

Ask any mountain climber why they climb mountains – Because it’s there! I know that’s a little cliche. I know one avid mountain climber and trust me, he says that all the time without being asked. His wife is vegan, too, so yeah, we don’t hang out as much anymore. But in all seriousness, one of the reasons you should buy a .22 suppressor is because you can.  

With bigger caliber firearms, and the appropriate suppressor to match, you usually expect three basic notions to be true. One, the suppressor will make the firearm quiet enough to not damage your hearing. Two, that a suppressor will reduce recoil to some extent. Finally, there will be a noticeable increase in accuracy. These same things apply to .22 suppressors, although I’m not sure anyone could notice the difference in felt recoil of a .22 suppressed versus unsuppressed.  

Let’s talk .22 accuracy 

Banish 22 on bolt action rifle

There are two basic ways a suppressor helps with accuracy, and yes, these even apply to a .22. The added weight, even as slight as it is, tends to stabilize your muzzle and reduce the vibrations that affect bullet flight. It isn’t much with a rimfire, but it is a thing. At .22 distances, you may not notice it much on a typical shot, but if you’re into competition shooting, where accuracy is king, you’ll see it. If you’re like me, you want every bit of accuracy from your firearm as possible.  

Then there’s the flinch. This is where a suppressed .22 is magical for new shooters. I grew up a country boy, on a farm with tractors, guns, dirt bikes, and chainsaws. Add in my musical tastes and I have always been accustomed to loud noises. When I started shooting, I knew what to expect and this helped me avoid the flinch from the start, although I will admit I did flinch some when I first shot my uncle’s .375 H&H. I had the notion that it was a cannon going off that would rip my shoulder apart, etc. Yeah, I was way off and now enjoy shooting a .375 H&H whenever I can.  

A lot of new shooters expect that the sound the gun makes when it goes off – even a .22 - will result in a bunch of felt recoil to the shoulder. It simply isn’t the case, though, as a .22 will not have much recoil at all. It is all psychological with relation to the noise. This is where a .22 suppressor is worth its weight in gold. It helps train a new shooter to focus on where the bullet goes versus expecting to hear a loud sound, which could mean a bunch of recoil. This helps train your body to manage recoil from the start. 

Which .22 suppressor do you want? 

Now that you’ve come to the logical conclusion that you simply need to have a .22 suppressor – you did come to that right? - which one do you get? We can help with that. I’d start by looking at this guide, The Best .22 Suppressors -

It will give you some head-to-head comparisons of the best .22 cans on the market right now. As with most things, you can spend a little, or a lot, depending upon what you want. It’s kind of like looking at buying a standard .22 rifle, like a Ruger 10/22, or something quite specialized, like a Volquartsen.

.22 Pistol suppressors 

Banish 22 on pistol

The nice thing about .22 suppressors is – they will usually work just fine for .22 pistols as well as rifles. This means if you take the most successful .22 rifle – the Ruger 10/22, and put a suppressor on it, like a BANISH 22, you can also use it on the most popular .22 pistol on the market, the Ruger Mark IV. Kinda crazy that Ruger has the .22 market cornered, huh? It’s almost as if they knew what makes for a stellar rimfire firearm.  

Getting the best .22 suppressor for your money 

One of the questions I get asked is, “Do I really want to spend my money on a .22 suppressor?” Hopefully you’ve already got your answer to that and are ready to buy one. But the next question is about getting the best .22 suppressor for your money. There are some areas of consideration you should ponder. 

FN Catch 22 Ti FDE
FN Makes a popular new .22 suppressor that matches extremely well with their pistols. It is made from titanium and even comes in FDE colors.


You can get a .22 can made from materials like stainless steel, aluminum, and titanium. Usually the steel and aluminum cans are a combination of the two. These are often a little more budget friendly, but you’ll add some weight. Titanium is going to add a little to the overall cost, but you same a lot of weight, and the can is often a little more durable for a long-term investment.  

Caliber rating

Any .22 suppressor worth buying will handle any rimfire cartridge. This includes .22lr, as well as .17HMR, .17WSM, .22Mag, and any of the other rimfire offerings that are out there as long as they meet the .22 caliber limit. Some cans, like the BANISH 22, can also handle 5.7x28mm, the crazy-fast cartridge developed by FN. There is a growing number of pistols and carbines chambered in 5.7x28mm and they are pretty sweet.  


Getting the best .22 suppressor for your money means spending some money, right? Set your budget and know what you can spend comfortably. On average, .22 suppressors can run from $350 up past $1,000. Getting the best can for you doesn’t always mean spending the most money.  


I have two friends, each of whom bought a .22 suppressor. The one just wanted to have one and spent the least amount of money he could on a brand I had never heard of. Silencer Central doesn’t sell it, and they sell everything. The other friend spent a little more and bought a titanium can from a repudiable brand. OK, it was a BANISH 22.

The three of us got together and compared them head-to-head. There were two major things that stood out. The BANISH was quieter and it was easier to clean. The cheap one had already had quite a few rounds through it, and the performance was starting to show it. It needed to be cleaned but was not very user serviceable. I tell you this not to try to sell you the BANISH can but to tell you to make sure you can clean the can you buy so you get the longest life and best performance from your suppressor investment.  

Que the music 

America, Baby!

Go ahead and throw on some patriotic music while I wrap this up. Why buy a .22 suppressor? What could be more American than buying one? Everyone has a .22 or should have one. If you don’t, I’m betting you want one, and therefore, you should want a .22 suppressor. Across Europe and much of the rest of the world, suppressors are in common use and considered polite. While we, as a country, might not be as keen to follow what other countries are doing, there is no denying the value of a suppressor. It makes the shooting and hunting experience more enjoyable and just better. You don’t need any more reason than that! 

Since .22-caliber firearms are, quite honestly, the most-popular guns in existence, the question some of you may have is, why should I buy a .22 suppressor? After all, one of the main reasons to buy, own, and shoot a .22 is the fact that they are pretty inexpensive all the way around. Why add to that cost with a .22-caliber

The 9K at the range
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Firearms News Product Feature Articles

The BANISH 9K and advanced additive manufacturing – The Evolution of Silencers 

By the time you read this, the BANISH 9K will be out. This amazing new silencer is compact and lightweight, making it the best option for your 9mm pistol, or compact pistol caliber carbine. What makes the 9K even more interesting is how it is made, using advanced additive manufacturing. I’ll go over that in a moment, but for now, let’s focus on the 9K itself. 

Say hello to the BANISH 9K 

The new BANISH 9K weighs only 2.7 ounces, yet does a great job at quieting your 9mm.

BANISH engineers in the research and development team set out with a simple goal – Make a 9mm suppressor that leaves the competition in the dust. I firmly believe they nailed it. Of course, you don’t have to take my word for it. Currently, anyone with a computer can put his or her opinions out there and try to pass those opinions off as facts. Granted, I do have over 20 years of experience in the outdoor industry with a reputation for telling you like it is. Why do I tell you this? I do so because while I am being straight with you, I really urge you to take a look at the BANISH 9K for yourself. I would honestly be shocked if you weren’t impressed. 

The BANISH 9K is made from 100% high-grade titanium that has been, as I mentioned above, made with the most advanced kind of manufacturing used in suppressors to date. The 9K is just 4.1 inches long with a diameter of 1.25 inches, making it one of the most compact 9mm suppressors available. It weighs just 2.7 ounces, too. Yes, you read that right – 2.7 ounces.  

You might be impressed just reading the dimensions and weight, but that doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t actually suppress your 9mm. I mean, the thing’s got to work, right? It doesn’t get the BANISH brand name if it doesn’t and the 9K brings the levels down for average 9mm rounds to 132 decibels at the ear. It is full-auto rated for 9mm, and can handle 5.7x28 and even .300 Blackout. You can also go full-auto with .300 blackout if you're using subsonic rounds.

Here's the real kicker - No piston required! That's right. The BANISH 9K is so light that you don't need a Nielsen Device to have your pistol function properly. Usually with a pistol suppressor, there is an issue because the same energy that is suppressed by the can is also what gets the action to work. A Nielsen Device incorporates a small spring that pushes the barrel up, allowing the pistol to cycle properly. That isn't a concern with the 9K.

The BANISH 9K ships with either a 1/2x28 standard or 13.5x1LH metric thread pitch. You can also go with a 1/2x28 Muzzle Stop with an adapter that is sold separately. This gets you into a BANISH 9K for most threaded 9mm barrels on the market. What it means that mounting the can to your pistol is easy. Its compact size and low weight also mean that your pistol should function properly with this suppressor.  

Why the BANISH 9K is important 

The BANISH 9K represents a leap forward in pistol-caliber suppressor technology. It is compact, lightweight and yet still reduces the sound output by a solid amount. I’m not kidding – it will impress you with how much it reduces the sound of your 9mm, yet the weight and compact size will have you not even noticing it on your pistol. And if you use it on a pistol-caliber carbine, it is practically non-existent, aside from really making things a lot quieter.  

Do you want one yet? 

I know I do. I played around with a couple of these when they first came in and knew I needed one. Of course, my current 9mm with a threaded barrel just doesn’t seem like the right fit, so I’m getting a new pistol, too. Don’t tell my wife. I’m passing this whole expense off as a work thing. I am leaning toward the Springfield Armory Echelon 4.0 Threaded that just came out. Who am I kidding? I might as well buy two. One for me and one for her. My wife likes her guns. 

Additive manufacturing 

My first experiences with a 3D printer came when my daughter won one. Granted this was not a high-end one, but it was fun to play with. I have seen some really nice ones that can make some amazing things. I have a buddy with one who used it to make some discontinued ATV parts for me for one of my older machines. I admit to being a gear head and kind of a geek when it comes to cool technology and gadgets, so when I heard BANISH was making suppressors using an advanced form of manufacturing similar to 3D printing, I had to investigate. 

The basic concept in titanium additive manufacturing is a process that uses a laser or electron beam to fuse layers of titanium powder into a solid object. Layers of titanium powder are added and then fused, creating a product that has all the durability and strength of any other titanium product but with intricate layers and features that just can’t be replicated in any other fashion. 

BANISH 9K on a Fostech pistol
Here we have a sweet new Fostech Drone Predator 9mm, Vortex Defender CCW, Streamlight HC-X, and the BANISH 9K... We gave it away! Keep checking back for more giveaways!

Remember in Terminator 2, where the T-1000 terminator was a liquid metal alloy that could go from being a puddle to change into any form needed? Imagine something like that where instead of a puddle of liquid robot, you have a layer of granulized titanium alloy and as the laser welder works over it, more titanium is added at exact moments to form a sweet suppressor like the BANISH Speed K or the new BANISH 9K? It’s not that simple of a process, nor is it even close to being as dramatic as a liquid chrome robot turning into a motorcycle cop. But you might just have a Guns & Roses song stuck in your head now from the T2 soundtrack, so that's pretty cool, right? I mean, not quite as cool as the BANISH 9K, but still pretty sweet.

The whole point of talking about additive manufacturing is that it is state of the art. This is the type of cutting edge direction you can expect from BANISH Suppressors. I mean, they can take a little pile of metal powder and "Bippity, Boppity, Bang" - It becomes a sweet suppressor. That's the magical world of BANISH for you.

Additive manufacturing machines are not inexpensive, but they do allow for rapid changes in production. The BANISH R&D team is getting a new one when the new warehouse opens so they can make rapid prototypes. This means that the cool stuff will keep coming from BANISH. In fact, I’ve seen the next big advancement they have made in suppressors in a new product that will be launching in 2025. You’ll have to wait to see what it is, but I assure you – it is extremely cool. I’m already planning to buy one. My wife even said I could, which has got to tell you that it’s that cool. I think she wants one for herself, too. She also just told me to plan on buying her a 9K for her new pistol. Our anniversary is coming up. Who knew the precious metal theme for 20 years was titanium? 

Learn more!

Learn more about the next chapter in BANISH suppressors by going to the new BANISH website

If you’re ready to buy a BANISH 9K, hit the buy now button below. Have any questions? Give us a holler. We have a team of amazing technical experts who can help you out by answering all of your queries.  

By the time you read this, the BANISH 9K will be out. This amazing new silencer is compact and lightweight, making it the best option for your 9mm pistol, or compact pistol caliber carbine. What makes the 9K even more interesting is how it is made, using advanced additive manufacturing. I’ll go over that in a moment, but for now,

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Ammunition Firearms News

Why the Federal 7mm Backcountry Cartridge is Important

Every year, as the annual SHOT Show rolls around, there is usually one newly introduced rifle caliber that catches a lot of attention. I’ll admit that when I go to SHOT, I am usually one of the many waiting patiently at range day to get some trigger time with whatever that shiny, new caliber is. The newest caliber this year that is causing some serious stirring comes from Federal Premium in the form of their new 7mm Backcountry. There is definitely a lot to be intrigued by, too. And we have the preferred suppressor for it, too. 

The new 7mm Backcountry was developed for taking longer shots at serious game through a 20-inch, suppressed barrel. Through development of several all-new ammunition manufacturing technologies, Federal has developed a cartridge that gives you superior terminal velocity at longer ranges, even when using heavier bullets, all optimized to shoot from a shorter barrel and suppressed.  

Federal did their testing with the BANISH® Backcountry suppressor, and that model is the one they recommend. We shot it with other BANISH® cans, with good results. If you want to use a different suppressor manufacturer, go for it. We sell those too. Just check to be sure your preferred suppressor will work with the load. 

Factory loads 

Federal is launching it with several of the top bullets, all showing impressive ballistics. Recoil is on par with a 7mm PRC, for those wondering. 

Federal Terminal Ascent - Bonded construction penetrates deep on close targets, while the patented Slipstream polymer tip initiates expansion at extremely long range. 

  • 170-grain: 3,000 FPS muzzle; 2,304 FPS at 500 yards 
  • 155-grain: 3,150 FPS muzzle; 2,365 FPS at 500 yards 

Berger Elite Hunter - The Berger Elite Hunter’s thin jacket produces extreme hydrostatic shock and a massive wound cavity on impact. 

  • 195-grain: 2,850 FPS muzzle; 2,268 FPS at 500 yards 

Barnes LRX – Uses a high ballistic coefficient, polymer tip, and unique nose cavity with an all-copper bullet. 

  • 168-grain: 3,000 FPS muzzle; 2,142 FPS at 500 yards 

Federal Fusion Tipped - Molecular bonding paired with a streamlined polymer tip. 

  • 175-grain: 2,975 FPS muzzle; 2,206 FPS at 500 yards 

The key takeaway here is that you get better velocity than the competition from a shorter-barreled rifle.  One of our team members spent some time shooting the Federal Terminal Ascent 170-grain loads and he came away very impressed. He said they had a Garmin Xero chronograph there for every shot and velocity was very consistent and accuracy was spot on.

Peak Alloy 

The real star is the all-new Peak Alloy steel case. It is made from an alloy that is the same as used in some high-end safes, as well as nuclear reactors. What is cool about it is it allows Federal to increase the pressures in the chamber well beyond what a brass case could withstand. 85,000 PSI in this case. With that, the power behind the shot can be greatly increased for higher velocity out of a round that is a non-magnum case. This means that the action can be a standard long action, as opposed to a magnum long action, and a standard bolt face. It gives rifle manufacturers more options and allows for a greater magazine capacity. Where you might only get three rounds of other 7mm powerhouse cartridges, you can fit four of the 7mm Backcountry.  

Peak Alloy logo
Federal's all-new steel case technology allows for much higher pressures for increased velocity.

And yes, the Peak Alloy cases are fully reloadable, so handloaders will have fun with this one. It is a safe bet that Federal will also spread this technology into other caliber options. This is a major advancement in ammunition technology and is just the beginning. I don’t know about you, but it gives me a lot to be excited about. 

BANISH Backcountry 

The BANISH Backcountry is the official suppressor for the new Federal cartridge.

Why we here at Silencer Central are so excited is that our BANISH Backcountry suppressor was used extensively for testing the new cartridge. In fact, the BANISH Backcountry is the official suppressor for the Federal 7mm Backcountry. The two complement each other very well. 


Here’s another reason why you should take notice. Federal has lined up 80 new rifle models from 15 different manufacturers chambered for the new cartridge right out of the gate. That the firearms manufacturers have seen enough promise in the 7mm Backcountry to offer that many rifles at launch is something. You usually don’t see that level of commitment. You usually get 2-3 rifles to start and then the rest follow suit as sales and demand picks up. Here are some of the manufacturers you'll see with options very soon:

The Proof Research rifle in &mm Backcountry with a BANISH can.

7mm love 

A lot of hunters and shooters tend to find a certain caliber that they gravitate toward. For some of us, it may just be a certain bullet. That’s where I come in. Going back well before my days with Cabela’s and Gun Digest, I started shooting rifles chambered in some form of 7mm bullet. I just like the way they fly and always seem to find a comfortable fit when it comes to cartridges and rifles.  

My first “seven,” and go-to rifle to this day, is a Winchester Model 70 in 7mm Rem Mag. I picked up the rifle off a clearance rack while in graduate school mostly because of the smoking deal I got. Since then, I have added a Trijicon scope that cost WAY more than the rifle did and swapped in a Hogue stock and some trigger work. My son picks on me because while I may not begin a hunting season with that rifle, I almost always finish with it. Loaded up with some Federal ammunition, that rifle makes it easy on me to hit what I’m aiming at out to 600+ yards. 

I built another 7mm. This time a 7mm-08 that I claimed I was putting together for my wife. That rifle is another easy-shooting rifle, and my wife knew that I would pretty much just keep it for myself. I’ve used and hunted with many of the other 7mm options on the market, so when I hear of a new variant, I tend to listen closely.  

My next rifle? 

Weatherby's amazing 307 Alpine with the BANISH Backcountry.

You may have guessed that I’m planning on getting my 7mm Backcountry-chambered rifle on order. I'm leaning heavily toward one of the Weatherby 307 models. I’m already trying to pick the Vortex scope I’ll mount to it, and, obviously, there will be a BANISH Backcountry suppressor on the business end.  

What about you? Any interest in a lightweight rifle that has excellent velocity from a 20-inch barrel, capable of speeds over 3,000 FPS, with a standard case size? Be sure to get a BANISH Backcountry to go with it.

Every year, as the annual SHOT Show rolls around, there is usually one newly introduced rifle caliber that catches a lot of attention. I’ll admit that when I go to SHOT, I am usually one of the many waiting patiently at range day to get some trigger time with whatever that shiny, new caliber is. The newest caliber this year

Silencer Central and PRS
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Press Release

Silencer Central Named Official Silencer Retailer of Precision Rifle Series

Silencer Central, the nation’s leader in suppressor sales and support, has been named the Official Silencer Retailer for the Precision Rifle Series, the premier long-range shooting competition circuit.

“As more competition shooters are finding the benefits of shooting suppressed, we felt it was a great time to get involved with the PRS competitions to show our support,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central CEO. “With the PRS adding the new suppressed rifle category, it made sense for us, as the largest suppressor retailer in the country, to support not only the competition, but also to help further extoll the benefits of shooting suppressed.”

With the tremendous growth of suppressed shooting, for the 2025 PRS competition season, there is a new Suppressor Category. The PRS Suppressor Category was created to promote and support suppressed shooting by encouraging and rewarding competitors that use a suppressor during matches as opposed to traditional muzzle brakes.

Silencer Central will serve as the Official Silencer Retailer of the series and offer support and additional prizes for the competitors, including in the suppressed rifle category. Silencer Central carries most major brands of suppressors and offers excellent customer support throughout the sales and approval process, simplified paperwork, fast approval times, free trust setup, EZ-Pay options, and to-your-door shipping.

"We're excited to welcome Silencer Central as the Official Silencer Retailer of the Precision Rifle Series,” said officials from PRS. “Their support helps us continue growing the sport and providing top-tier competitive experiences for our members. We look forward to a great partnership and the positive impact it will have on the PRS community."

PRS is recognized as the leading organizing body for local, regional, and national matches, tracking of scores, and the growth of the practical, long-range rifle discipline. By incorporating the visions of the PRS shooters, match directors, and sponsors they strive to achieve competitive excellence in each series and cultivate opportunities for shooters at every level. The PRS is committed to working alongside its partners to deliver a world-class Precision Rifle Series Organization.

Learn more about PRS here.

More information about Silencer Central can be found on the company’s website.

Silencer Central, the nation’s leader in suppressor sales and support, has been named the Official Silencer Retailer for the Precision Rifle Series, the premier long-range shooting competition circuit. “As more competition shooters are finding the benefits of shooting suppressed, we felt it was a great time to get involved with the PRS competitions to show our support,” said Brandon Maddox,

9K SHOT Award 2025
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Press Release


BANISH Suppressors, the best-selling silencer brand on the market, is proud to announce that the new BANISH 9K suppressor won the SHOT Show 2025 Best Suppressor Award from the team at GunsAmerica. The innovative new 9mm suppressor made its world debut at SHOT with Industry Day at the Range being the first opportunity many have had to shoot it. 

“We’re all incredibly happy with just how well the BANISH 9K has been received,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central CEO. “The buzz surrounding the 9K at SHOT was outstanding. Everyone was talking about it and wanted to get their hands on it. Having the editor of GunsAmerica name it the Best Suppressor from SHOT Show 2025 is an honor and a testament to the hard work that went into its design and development.” 

The BANISH 9K is a revolutionary suppressor for the 9mm. It is lightweight at just 2.7 ounces and very compact at just 4.1 inches long. The lightweight design comes from the additive manufacturing process used to make the 100% titanium suppressor. It also allows the suppressor to work on 9mm semiautomatic pistols without the need for a piston.  

GunsAmerica is a popular online platform for buying and selling firearms, ammunition, accessories, and for posting informational content for firearm enthusiasts. The awards they give out annually at SHOT Show are based on input from their editorial staff and from industry buzz at the show.  

BANISH Suppressors, the best-selling silencer brand on the market, is proud to announce that the new BANISH 9K suppressor won the SHOT Show 2025 Best Suppressor Award from the team at GunsAmerica. The innovative new 9mm suppressor made its world debut at SHOT with Industry Day at the Range being the first opportunity many have had to shoot it.  “We’re

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Firearms Silencers 101

The Best 9mm Suppressors

When we think of pistols, most of us think about a 9mm, simply because there are so many options for the “nine.” While it may not be the leader in stopping power, there is no shortage in 9mm ammo, pistol models, and suppressors for the 9mm. Why suppress the 9mm? That’s easy – because you can. A suppressed 9mm pistol is very quiet, and the increases in accuracy are noticeable. The question often gets asked – Who makes the best 9mm suppressor? That’s not easy to answer, as everyone already has a favorite 9mm pistol and many will argue that point but picking a 9mm suppressor is as much a personal choice as picking a 9mm pistol. Just like we do with the buying process, how about we help make picking the best 9mm suppressor for you as painless as possible, too? 

Picking the best 9mm suppressor

Let's narrow down the criteria for how most people select a suppressor for their 9mm. There are three main areas most people use when choosing the best 9mm suppressor:

  • How much is it?
  • How compact is it?
  • How quiet is it?

When I pick a suppressor, it is a lot like picking out a firearm - It has to fit me. That fit includes cost - as in it has to fit my budget. It also has to fit the type of use I have planned for it. With a pistol silencer, that is a bit weird. I say that because of concealed carry options. Most of us don't exactly include a suppressor when it comes to carry concerns, but with something like the awesome BANISH 9K, it is possible. I'm buying a new 9mm pistol to go with the (k that I bought, and I already have a call into my holster maker for a sweet shoulder rig to carry the pistol with the 9K attached. Call me crazy, but it sounds like it should work.

That falls in with compact size being a criteria. If you don't need a compact 9mm suppressor, there are plenty of options and more coming. For compact cans, there are a few options, but you already know which one I picked. The size often has an impact on how quiet a can is, too.

Editor's Choice - BANISH 9K

BANISH 9K product image

The BANISH®9K is made from 100% high-grade titanium that is made using with the most advanced kind of manufacturing used in suppressors to date - Additive manufacturing, which is very similar to 3D printing, but more intricate. The 9K is just 4.1 inches long with a diameter of 1.25 inches, making it one of the most compact 9mm suppressors available. It weighs just 2.7 ounces, too. Yes, you read that right – 2.7 ounces.  

The 9K brings the decibel levels down for average 9mm rounds to 132 decibels at the ear. It is even rated for full-auto fire. The big news here is that it is light enough that there is no need for a piston to keep your pistol functioning properly. That's right, the Nielsen Device is not required. The BANISH 9K is the best option available right now for your 9mm pistol, or pistol-caliber carbine. It also works for .300BLK, 5.7x27, and smaller caliber loads.


  • Extreme light weight
  • No piston required
  • Direct Thread mounting
  • Low price


  • None as of yet


  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Weight: 2.7 oz.
  • Length: 4.1 in.
  • Sound Reduction: 30db

Price: $699



Call us biased, but when we set out to design a pistol-caliber suppressor, we opted to go for an all-in-one design and came up with the Banish 45. We feel it is the best for the money, simply because it has all the elements you'd look for in a premium can, and it adds the versatility of working with all major pistol calibers, including 9mm, .40 S&W, .45 ACP and 10mm. You can also use this can on select rifle calibers, too.

Many 9mm suppressors are pretty much caliber specific. They handle 9×19mm and little else that isn’t around that same size/power range. Sometimes you can sneak .300 Blackout in, and of course, if you want to suppress that .32 or .380 gun, or your .22, your average purpose-built 9mm will work just fine.

But if you want a true universal handgun suppressor that is compatible with a wide range of caliber AND costs less than a thousand bucks, then you need a Banish 45.

The Banish 45 is made of titanium. That means it is lighter, stronger, more durable, and quieter than a silencer that uses stainless steel. It’s also modular and user-serviceable. That means you can make it longer or shorter based on your needs. And more importantly, it is multi-caliber rated! That means no matter if you are shooting a thundering 10mm, or popping off a little .22, the Banish 45 can be quickly configured for your gun, your caliber, and your setup – even .300 Blackout.


  • Fully modular and user-serviceable
  • A true multi-caliber suppressor
  • User-configurable in size


  • There are cheaper silencers out there


  • Caliber: rimfire through .45
  • Weight: 9.6 or 11 oz.
  • Length: 6.7 or 8.6 in.
  • Sound reduction: up to 36 dB
  • Price: $949

Price: $949


YHM R9 suppressor product image

While there are other 9mm suppressors that can be made shorter due to being modular, we opted to include the YHM R9 as the most compact because it only comes in one length - 5.2 inches. That's not big at all. And yet, as they say, good things come in small packages, the R9 is pretty sweet.

For starters, it is way more versatile than just 9mm. The YHM R9 is compatible with everything from 17HMR to 9mm in the handgun range, plus rifle calibers such as 5.56 NATO, .300BLK, .350 Legend, 6.5 Grendel, and .308 Winchester.

If you  like to run high volumes of ammo through your handguns, SBRs, and subguns, then the R9 is exactly what you need. It’s rated for limited full-auto fire, so go ahead and send it! The fully-welded, tubeless design is built from stainless steel for rugged durability no matter what caliber you’re using.

Mounting options abound, as the R9 is compatible with the YHM Phantom QD adapter, 3-lug adapter, Nielson adapter, and other direct thread sizes.


  • The shortest 9mm silencer on the market
  • Works on all types of firearms and calibers


  • Heavier than some


  • Caliber: 9mm, some rifle calibers up to .30
  • Weight: 10.7 oz.
  • Length: 5.2 in.

Price: $579.95


FN Rush 9Ti FDE

FN is one of those companies that, when you see the brand name, you know the product is going to be good. There's good reason behind that, as FN handles most of the world's police and military firearms needs, as well as holding several big-name brands that are known for quality - Browning and Winchester, to name a couple. Their pistols are amazing, and when we started carrying their new suppressors, we were immediately impressed.

The latest thing in 9mm suppressors is the Rush 9 Ti. This is a lightweight, easy-to-clean suppressor that is just flat-out cool.

With FN's advanced booster assembly, mounting the FN Rush 9Ti to any pistol barrel that is threaded ½” x 28 is easy and fast. It has a tight piston gas seal that contains the carbon fouling in the baffle core. This gives you smooth shooting without heavy blowback and stoppages that can be common with some suppressors.

The FN Rush 9Ti has a great strength to weight ratio, thanks to the titanium construction. At just 10.8 oz., this light, easy-to-maintain design breaks down quickly for cleaning, too.  FN feels so strong about this silencer that they gave it a limited lifetime warranty.


  • Extremely quiet
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to clean


  • Not user configurable


  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Weight: 10.8 oz.
  • Length: 7.3 in.
  • Available in black and FDE

Price: $848

Rugged Obsidian9


Rugged's Obsidian9 is an excellent choice for a modular 9mm suppressor. The modularity of Rugged’s ADAPT™ Module gives users the ability to choose between the full configuration at 7.8 inches and 12.7 ounces, and the compact configuration at 4.8 inches and 8.7 ounces.

Rugged has a reputation for being extremely durable and easy-to-use. Designed for 9mm firearms, this silencer features a 1/2×28 non-slotted piston design that reduces blowback, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable day at the range with proper function of your pistol.

The Obsidian9 features keyed baffles machined from 17-4 stainless steel and is also belt-fed rated, for those adventurous enough to try it.


  • Modular
  • User serviceable
  • Full-auto rated


  • Heavier and longer than some


  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Weight: 12.7 oz - 8.7 oz
  • Length: 7.8in. - 4.8 in.

Price: $822

What to look for in a 9mm suppressor

There are many factors that go into play when you pick a 9mm suppressor, but there are two in particular that seem to stand out - Weight and length.


Obviously you don't want a hefty suppressor tacked onto the front of your pistol. There are some 9mm options that can fit a Nine, but in all honesty, we wouldn't recommend them as a stand-alone 9mm suppressor simply because they are really for something bigger - such as a large-caliber rifle. If you want a dedicated 9mm suppressor, look for something that is light enough to not interfere much with your pistol's balance when you hold it.


The idea of optimal length goes hand-in-hand with the weight factor. You really don't want to have a long, heavy suppressor on your pistol if you're not able to shoot it as you'd like. On our list, the longest is a 9.5 inch model, but it has reasonable weight to go along with it. Still if you want short and light, that used to mean more money, but that is very much NOT the case anymore. I mean, the BANISH 9K is 4.1 inches long, weighs 2.7 ounces and costs UNDER $700! That's a deal so sweet you might get sugar-shock from trying it. It's a deal like tea in the South - sweet and everybody wants it.


Function is a concern as well. While every suppressor will do the job, or Silencer Central wouldn't sell it, you need to keep in mind how the can will work with a pistol, as opposed to a rifle. Most pistol suppressors require some special tooling to work with a pistol's recoil-driven action. More on that can be found on this blog post on Nielsen Devices. But that is not always the case. Again, I'm going to point out the BANISH 9K.

Man shooting BANISH 9k on a handgun

Why so serious? 

Why is it that people love to assume that their personal pick is the best option for everyone? It can get heated, right? You can have a debate over which pistol caliber is the best and you might have to separate the .45 folks from the 9mm folks before fists come out. Then you take the 9mm team and ask who makes the best 9mm pistol. Now you have to look at the Glock folks, the Springfield folks, the 1911 team, and the list goes on and on.

Because 9mm suppressors are in common use, it is hard to find objective criteria for what is the best 9mm suppressor that applies across the board. Some folks look at price point, others favor extremes in performance, while others may have a long laundry list of other features they consider most important.

We’re not as concerned with telling you which 9mm suppressor is the best, we’re more concerned with which one fits your needs best, and that you use one because we are heavily in favor of protecting your hearing. Okay, that and we want to sell you one, but if you’re not happy, we’re not happy. We claim to have the most pain-free path to suppressor ownership, but that includes you being happy with your purchase. 


We won’t lie. Our absolute favorite 9mm suppressor is the Banish 9K. Why? Because we designed it to be that way! We’d love to sell you a suppressor for every handgun caliber you own and your .300 Blackout to boot. We made as close to a universal 9mm handgun and .300 Blackout silencer as is possible so you only need one.

But what we love may not be what you love. That’s why as the nation’s largest silencer dealer with locations in all 42 silencer legal states, we stock a wide variety of the best 9mm (and rifle, and shotgun) suppressors on the market. Our expert staff is here to help you choose the best suppressor for your needs. We maintain an in-house lab for testing silencers in real-world conditions, and we are happy to share our data with you.

Get started today

After you’ve taken a look at our selection, send us an email or give us a call, and we’ll be happy to help you choose your next silencer. And don’t forget, Silencer Central is the only silencer dealer who can conduct your entire purchase without leaving your home.

That’s right! You don’t have to leave your home to buy and receive your silencer. We’ll even send you fully prepared registration paperwork and a free NFA gun trust with your purchase. And when the ATF gets around to approving your registration, we mail the completed paperwork and silencer straight to your door. How cool is that? So, tell us what your favorite 9mm silencer is, and let’s get your paperwork started!

When we think of pistols, most of us think about a 9mm, simply because there are so many options for the “nine.” While it may not be the leader in stopping power, there is no shortage in 9mm ammo, pistol models, and suppressors for the 9mm. Why suppress the 9mm? That’s easy – because you can. A suppressed 9mm pistol

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New guns, optics, and gear from SHOT Show

If you’re a firearm enthusiast and/or hunter, then you’re likely well aware of SHOT Show. It is the annual trade show where all of the companies with gear related to hunting, and shooting sports gather in Las Vegas to show off for dealers and media. There is always excitement in the air this time of year as everyone wants to see the new and cool stuff that is unveiled. Of course, Silencer Central and BANISH®Suppressors are there to show off the latest silencers and talk to dealers and manufacturers about the Silencer Central process that makes getting a suppressor easier than ever. But there is a lot more at the show. Let’s take a look at some cool stuff. 


There are a lot of new rifles hitting the market, and I do mean a LOT. Here are a few that piqued my interest. I kind of just stuck to bolt-action and lever-action hunting rifles for this go around.

Browning X-Bolt II

Browning X-Bolt II Mountain Hunter 

If you’ve ever shot one of the Browning X-bolt rifles, you know they are smooth and shoot extremely well. Well, not one to stay put, Browning has evolved that platform into the new X-Bolt II, and the Mountain Hunter they created for SHOT is just too cool not to share with you. It comes with a sweet carbon-fiber stock, CeraKoted barrel and new stainless-steel receiver. It comes with a threaded barrel in 5/8x24. There is a muzzle brake attached from Browning, but it’d look much better with a BANISH® suppressor, don’t you think. I do! 

Winchester Xpert in 21 Sharp

Winchester Xpert Suppressor Ready 

Leave it to Winchester to keep the flames of rimfire burning bright. They have taken their Xpert bolt-action rimfire rifle and made it suppressor ready. Can you say BANISH 22 anyone? I can! The cool thing is, Winchester has a version in .21 Sharp. How cool is that?  

Marlin 1895 Dark Series

Marlin 1895 Dark Series 

I have a weakness for lever guns. And this has been going on since before they were cool again. I’ve got news for you – they've always been cool! The new 1895 Dark Series from Marlin is sweet, especially if you like the “tactical feel. These rifles have all the furniture for customizing the rifle. They also come with a fiber-optic front sight and a tritium peep in the rear, along with a picatinny rail for optics mounting. Threaded barrel? Of course, so you can drop on a BANISH® 46-V2.  

Savage 110 Trail Lite

Savage 110 Trail Hunter Lite 

Savage makes some seriously fine rifles, and when you add in the Accutrigger and the accuracy of the barrels, well, why wouldn’t you want one. The Trail Hunter Lite is one of the more budget-friendly options for the new Federal 7mm Backcountry. It has a stainless-steel finish and comes with a Hogue over-molded stock (I love those). It weighs just 6.6 pounds, too. All for under $700! Add in a Vortex scope and a BANISH Backcountry. Did I just order one? Maybe. Don’t tell my wife yet.  

Mossberg Patriot Carbine

Mossberg Patriot Carbine 

I know some of you may not know just how good of a rifle the Mossberg patriot is. I like them a lot. They shoot great and are easy on the budget for sure. I look at it this way – I am one of those who spends more on my optic and my suppressor than I do on most of my rifles. Why not make it a solid rifle that keeps the budget down, so you can opt for better optics, etc? The Patriot Carbine was designed for suppressors, with shorter barrels that come threaded from the factory. The standard action models, like the 6.5 Creedmoor, or .308, come with an 18-inch barrel, whereas the magnums like the classic .300 Win Mag, have 20-inch barrels. A bunch of well-known writers took these rifles to Africa and had a very successful hunt – All with BANISH® Backcountry suppressors attached. Just sayin’. 


There are a lot of cool pistols coming out. We were mostly drawn to the ones with threaded barrels that are screaming for - You guessed it - BANISH®suppressors! I can't wait to get my hands on some of these, screw on a BANISH and Shoot on Mute!

BANISH 9K on a Fostech pistol

Fostech Drone Predator 

This is a sweet, semi-custom carry 9mm pistol with a 3.9 inch barrel and a pile of features that will make you want one. Of course, the best way to get one is to win it, right? We’re giving one away along with a BANISH 9K, Vortex Defender CCW optic, Streamlight light and MUCH more. You’ve got to be in it to win it – over $3,500 in prizes! 

Springfield Echelon 4.0

Springfield Armory Echelon 4.0 Threaded 

Springfield has several new versions of the Echelon pistol, and the 4.0 comes in several flavors. I can’t wait to get my hands on the threaded version along with a BANISH 9K. This pistol has a 4.7-inch barrel and comes with a 15- and an 18-round magazine. This is going to be a fun pistol. 

Stoeger STR

Stoeger STR-9 COMBAT SX 

When Stoeger first dropped the STR-9 pistols a few years ago, I got one for testing. I saw the price and knew it was a Stoeger, so I figured it would be decent. I was pleasantly surprised at how good of a pistol it is. And it fits amazingly in the hand. I had several other shooters try it out, too, including the FFL I had do the transfer. Two of them bought their own, and the FFL dealer started carrying them in stock. The Combat SX model adds an extended magazine, fiber-optic combat sights with an RMR cutout, and, of course, a threaded barrel that just screams out “put a BANISH 9K on me!” 

S&W M&P Metal

Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 METAL 

I love M&P pistols and own several. And while I am a fan of the polymer pistol, I also really like the Metal series. There is just something about a metal-framed pistol that feels so right. Yes, they are a little heavier, but the added accuracy and recoil mitigation is worth it. S&W had to drop a new M&P 2.0 in the Metal series with a threaded barrel. Don’t they care about my finances at all? All of the new guns I want to buy and now there’s a new M&P... Just take my money. I’m pretty sure S&W has my credit card on file already. 


What isn't there to love about shotguns. There are some new combat-oriented shotguns out there, which we will cover later. The one that got most of our attention? Read on.

Benelli SBE III A.I.

Benelli SBE III A.I. 

If you hunt waterfowl, you either own a Benelli, or you want one. The Super Black Eagle line is legendary for durability and accuracy. I have used all of the SBE models along the way and will be using the latest this spring and fall. The Advanced Impact (A.I.) barrel system is Benelli’s latest advancement. It helps transfer more of the energy of the shot to the target, giving you additional knock-down power. This will result in fewer crippling shots, which is important. While we all strive to be 100% accurate all the time, birds tend to play by different rules. I can’t wait to see how it works, and there may just be some pretty cool attachments coming.  


Many of us will spend as much or more on the optics we mount to our firearms than we did for the firearm itself. Accuracy is king. 

Vortex Viper HD

Vortex Viper HD 

Our partners at Vortex, as one of my industry buddies put it, quietly walked into the optics world and quickly ate everyone’s lunch. They make outstanding products, and the latest Viper HD scope line is something to see. This model, a 3-15x44 with a Deadhold Ballistic reticle, is amazing. It is clear and lets the light in, even when you think there isn’t much. It is built on a 30mm main tube and has more coatings on the glass than there are paint layers on the walls in your grandma’s house. I have a rifle that this scope would be perfect for, and I’m betting you do too. 


Leupold VX-6HD Gen 2 

I inherited my first deer rifle, a Model 70 in .30-06, and it had a Leupold VX-II mounted on it. It didn’t matter what conditions I was hunting in, that scope stayed true and I took a lot of deer with it. Growing up, I thought that scope was the top of the mountain as far as optics went. You might think that way, too. But I can attest, Leupold always has something new and you can bet it will handle whatever you throw at it. The new VX-6HD Gen 2 scopes are mind blowing. I can’t even begin to cover it all. Just know it is the most advanced hunting scope I’ve seen and I suggest you read the review from our friends at Petersen’s Hunting for some seriously good insight. 

Riton 5 Primal

Riton 5 Primal 

If you’re looking for the sleeper optic from SHOT, take a gander at the Riton 5 Primal scope in 3-18x50. These scopes have a lot to offer and Riton is doing a great job at carving out a niche for themselves. Built on a 34mm main tube, these scopes have a sweet LRH Reticle that gives you ballistic aiming points for long range shooting, but without the clutter that can muck up your field of view. The scope has a cool rapid zoom throw lever to give you fast and easy magnification changes. The scope is fully water, shock and fog proof, and the clarity is outstanding. Do yourself a favor and look at a Riton if you want something a little outside the ordinary. 

Trijicon RMR HD

Trijicon RMR HD 

RMR red dot sights are rapidly growing in popularity for pistol shooters. In fact, most every pistol coming out today likely has a version with a cutout for the optic. They work amazingly with suppressors, like the BANISH 9K. One of the very best in RMR sights is Trijicon and the new RMR HD is getting attention. It is a 55MOA adjustable LED reticle with a 3.25 MOA red dot that has quick brightness adjustment and clear line of sight. It is built to military specs, so it can handle whatever you want to throw at it. They have updated the windage and elevation adjusters to make it easier to be more accurate with your shots.  

Other cool stuff 

SHOT Show is chuck full of cool stuff and not all of it is guns. Here are a couple of ATVs on display at SHOT. I have been riding ATVs for over 40 years, and have been writing about them for 20 of those.


Kawasaki Ridge Crew 

We like our ATVs and SxSs and the folks at Kawasaki had one of the newest machines to hit the hunting world on hand at SHOT. The Ridge Crew is the 5-seat version of the Ridge, a sweet SxS that has full HVAC and lots of power thanks to a 999cc 4-cylinder engine. I have experience behind the wheel of the Ridge and can say that it is one of the most capable SxS's out there. The handling is outstanding and the comfort is hard to beat. Now that there is a Crew version, I suspect that these will be very popular with the hunting community. I, for one, can’t wait to get my hands on one to review, especially if it is during a hunting season.  

Honda Rancher 4x4

Honda ATVs were also on display showcasing their partnership with TrueTimber as well. The latest model from Honda is an updated Rancher 4x4 ATV. It has a 420cc engine and I would suggest opting for the DCT EPS model. The DCT stands for Dual Clutch Transmission, which is a sweet setup giving you five forward gears and reverse, both in high and low range. I have tested these models and can attest that the DCT is worth every penny. Add in electronic power steering and fully-independent front and rear suspension, and it is a great ATV with legendary reliability. Honda has a full line with True Timber's Atera camp pattern.

More to come!

SHOT Show 2025 runs through January 24, 2025, and our team will come back with a lot of information. We will be sharing more as we go, as we said in our SHOT Show Preview.

If you’re a firearm enthusiast and/or hunter, then you’re likely well aware of SHOT Show. It is the annual trade show where all of the companies with gear related to hunting, and shooting sports gather in Las Vegas to show off for dealers and media. There is always excitement in the air this time of year as everyone wants to

SHOT Show 2025
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Silencer Central and a Preview of SHOT Show 2025  

Every year the shooting sports industry gathers in Las Vegas, Nevada for the annual SHOT Show. Being a trade show, the public can’t attend, but a few select members of the media can, and they report back to you what’s new, interesting and just plain cool. If you’re going to be there, be sure to check out BANISH suppressors at Industry Day at the Range in Bay SR16, and on the show floor at the BANISH booth located on Venetian Expo Level 2 (main show floor), booth #14453, and at the Silencer Central booth, located in Venetian Expo lobby, booth #VL246. 

Find your way around the SHOT Show floor.

What can you find at Silencer Central, booth # VL246? 

We’d like you to stop by the Silencer Central booth to learn about how the process works for buying silencers and how we can help you sell more silencers through our Delivered by Silencer Central program.  

The team at Silencer Central has been working to streamline the buying process and make it easier for people to get the suppressors they want. There are now more partnering possibilities that help you sell more suppressors through your store, including online components that reduce buying steps and extra, costly hassles for your business. 

What can you find at BANISH, booth #14453? 

Man shooting BANISH 9k on a handgun in the rain

The biggest news at the BANISH Suppressor booth will be the launch of the new BANISH 9K, the latest and most advanced 9mm suppressor to hit the market. The BANISH 9K is a true engineering masterpiece. The additive-manufactured, titanium 9K weighs just 2.7 ounces, is just 4.1 inches long, and has a diameter of just 1.25 inches, making it one of the most compact 9mm suppressors available. Sound reduction is also outstanding, bringing average 9mm rounds to 132 decibels at the ear. 

We will also have on hand a rifle chambered in Federal’s new 7mm Backcountry. This new cartridge promises to be an interesting development in hunting rifles, and, of course, with the BANISH Backcountry suppressor being the official suppressor of the cartridge, that means you can stop by and talk to us about how the two complement each other.  

You will also want to check out the MeatEater by BANISH silencer if you haven’t already. This can is amazing in the it has a specially designed anchor brake system that you can adjust for increased sound reduction, or a boost in recoil reduction. BANISH engineers worked with the MeatEater crew to make a suppressor that perfectly blends light weight and performance unlike anything else on the market.  

MeatEater by Banish resting on a tree branch

And while we are talking about new products, don’t forget advanced new versions of previous models. The BANISH 46-V2 is the premium big-bore suppressor that is extremely versatile and great for guns, like the .45/70. And there is also the BANISH 30 Gold-V2, which takes the elements of the outstanding 30 Gold and adds the versatility of an industry-standard hub mount. It is a great can, especially for AR-10 platform rifles. 

We just launched some cool new color options for select BANISH cans. You can now get popular models like the BANISH 30, BANISH 223, and BANISH Speed K in FDE. 

Learn more about BANISH on the new BANISH Suppressors website.

Partners and friends – Stop in! 

Any of our media friends, partners, corporate partners, and other attendees are encouraged to come to one of the booths and say hello. If you need to meet with anyone, please try to contact them ahead of time, but everyone there will do their best to work you in. If you’ve got ideas, we’d love to hear them. 

Don’t feel bad 

I have been to a lot of SHOT shows over the years. I have even been to ones that weren’t in Las Vegas, which helps to date myself, but dang, I do miss those days when we could go to Orlando, Florida and the 70+degree days. I digress... 

I had a buddy that kept telling me time and time again, that he wished he could go to SHOT. Since it is a trade show, he didn’t really have a way in. He even got to the point where, to him, going to SHOT show was the thing he wanted most in life. Then it happened. He was pro-staffing for a company, and they invited him to attend SHOT. It also happened to be a year when I had come down with a bug and had to cancel at the last minute. My kids on Christmas morning aren’t ever as excited as this guy was. He called me during the first day and went on and on about how great it was. On the final day, he called again. This time he was very subdued, and said, “I can see what you meant now.”  

Here’s the plain and simple truth about SHOT show – It is rather brutal. You walk miles every day. Unless you prepare, you will come home with some form of cold/flu/plague that will keep you down for a while. And even if you do prepare, it can still get you. We call it the SHOT Show Crud. 

With over 50,000 people from over 100 countries, all crammed into a convention center, coming home with some form of illness is almost a certainty.

Why do I tell you this? That’s easy. Many of you might want to go to SHOT Show. Just know that it takes a serious toll. We will try to keep you all updated on the Shoot On Mute blog with cool new stuff and what is going on with BANISH and Silencer Central from the show. If you can’t make it, don’t feel bad. Everyone that is going will likely feel pretty bad the following week. 

Some of you may be sad to learn that, due to a scheduling conflict, I won’t be at this year’s SHOT Show. While I’m sad that I will miss everyone there, I’m not sad to say that I will miss the dreaded crud. I do have a team ready to hit the floor running and will be reporting on all the cool new stuff at SHOT Show 2025. I’m already planning for SHOT Show 2026. Stocking up on vitamin C and hand sanitizer as we speak.  

As our friends at The Outdoor Wire would say, "We'll keep you posted!" We will be posting throughout the show on this blog, with information and images of cool new products from our partner companies, as well as anything else that just seems like it would be something you'd need to see. Keep checking back. It'll be fun times!

Every year the shooting sports industry gathers in Las Vegas, Nevada for the annual SHOT Show. Being a trade show, the public can’t attend, but a few select members of the media can, and they report back to you what’s new, interesting and just plain cool. If you’re going to be there, be sure to check out BANISH suppressors at

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Press Release


Silencer Central, the industry leader in suppressor sales and manufacturing, announces new color options for select BANISH brand suppressors. In response to customer requests, several BANISH suppressors are now available on the Silencer Central website in Flat Dark Earth (FDE). 

“One of the things we pride ourselves on is responding to what our customers want,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central’s Founder and CEO. “We had requests for several models to come in FDE, and we made it happen. Our company philosophy is to make suppressor ownership as simple as possible for our customers. That includes offering the products, and colors, they want.” 

The BANISH suppressors available in FDE are as follows: 

Simply select the color option you want before adding the BANISH suppressor to your cart. These models are in stock at Silencer Central, meaning you can take advantage of the company’s simplified buying process. Learn more at Silencer Central’s website.  

Be sure to check out Silencer Central and BANISH Suppressors at SHOT Show 2025 in Las Vegas, NV. They can be found at Industry Day at the Range in Bay SR16, and on the show floor at the BANISH Suppressors booth, located on Venetian Expo Level 2 (main show floor), booth 14453, and at the Silencer Central booth, located in Venetian Expo lobby, booth VL246. 

Silencer Central, the industry leader in suppressor sales and manufacturing, announces new color options for select BANISH brand suppressors. In response to customer requests, several BANISH suppressors are now available on the Silencer Central website in Flat Dark Earth (FDE).  “One of the things we pride ourselves on is responding to what our customers want,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central’s

Sportsman's Warehouse and Silencer Direct
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Press Release


Warehouse, a leading hunting, fishing and personal protection omni-channel retailer, has joined the Delivered by Silencer Central program for online suppressor sales. Through this unique program, customers can now shop the Sportsman’s Warehouse website for firearms and suppressors, with Silencer Central taking care of all the suppressor needs.  

“Sportsman’s Warehouse is one the premier retailers of firearms and accessories in the country, with a vast ecommerce platform that fits perfectly with our unique online suppressor program,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central Chief Executive Officer. “We are thrilled to partner with them, allowing customers to purchase BANISH suppressors directly from their ecommerce website. Through this unique program, we handle the required customer paperwork and take it one step further to deliver the suppressor right to the customer’s door. It’s exciting to work with Sportsman’s Warehouse and provide more people a convenient way to purchase the suppressors they want.” 

The Delivered by Silencer Central Program is an exciting development for retailers and manufacturers. It gives these businesses instant access to suppressor sales and front-door delivery in the 42 states that allow silencer ownership. The business gets the use of the SOC 2 Compliance software provided. The customers enjoy a 99.9% first-time approval guarantee. They can also take advantage of a complimentary trust setup, as well as silencer Central’s self-service options, like the customer portal. 

Sportsman’s Warehouse has a strong commitment to conservation, which aligns with Silencer Central’s ideology, making this partnership a natural fit. 

Paul Stone, Chief Executive Officer of Sportsman’s Warehouse said, “whether you’re an avid hunter or firearms enthusiast, this groundbreaking partnership further expands the specialty product offerings that can only be found at Additionally, this new partnership with Silencer Central further underscores our company’s mission to consistently provide Great Gear and Great Service. Silencer Central has a proven reputation for streamlining the once complex process of purchasing a suppressor, and we are excited to now offer this convenient service and added benefit to our customers. Delivering a high-quality suppressor right to the purchaser’s door will be well received by Sportsman’s customers nationally.” 

Learn more about BANISH suppressors and Silencer Central by visiting

More information about Sportsman’s Warehouse can be found at  

Warehouse, a leading hunting, fishing and personal protection omni-channel retailer, has joined the Delivered by Silencer Central program for online suppressor sales. Through this unique program, customers can now shop the Sportsman’s Warehouse website for firearms and suppressors, with Silencer Central taking care of all the suppressor needs.   “Sportsman’s Warehouse is one the premier retailers of firearms and accessories in

Brownell's and SC partner
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Press Release


Silencer Central, the nation’s leader in silencer sale, announces a strategic partnership with Brownell’s, a renowned retailer of firearms, gun parts, and accessories. Through this partnership, Brownell’s online suppressor purchases will be fulfilled using the Delivered by Silencer Central program. 

“Having a company like Brownell’s partnering with us for the Delivered by Silencer Central program makes me very proud,” said Brandon Maddox, Silencer Central CEO. “Brownell’s started with a businessman and a vision and has grown into one of the largest and most respected firearm, parts, and accessory retailers in the country. That they see the same values and dedication in Silencer Central makes me excited for the future.” 

Through this partnership, customers shop for Silencer Central’s BANISH suppressors on Brownell’s website. All suppressor sales will be fulfilled using Delivered by Silencer Central. Non-suppressor sales will continue to be shipped by Brownell’s. 

"Partnering with Silencer Central represents an exciting opportunity for Brownells to serve our customers better," said Bryan Stuntebeck, Chief Revenue Officer of Brownells. "This collaboration combines the industry expertise and commitment to quality service of both companies, ensuring that our customers enjoy a seamless experience when purchasing suppressors online. Together, we’re making suppressor ownership more accessible and straightforward than ever before."  

The Delivered by Silencer Central Program provides businesses instant access to suppressor sales and front-door delivery in the 42 states where silencer ownership is legal. The business uses the SOC 2 Compliance software provided. Customers benefit from a 99.9% first-time approval guarantee. They can also take advantage of a free trust setup, and silencer Central’s self-service options, like the customer portal. 

For more information on how you can partner with Silencer Central to be part of Silencer Direct, go to

For more information on Brownell’s, go to  

Silencer Central, the nation’s leader in silencer sale, announces a strategic partnership with Brownell’s, a renowned retailer of firearms, gun parts, and accessories. Through this partnership, Brownell’s online suppressor purchases will be fulfilled using the Delivered by Silencer Central program.  “Having a company like Brownell’s partnering with us for the Delivered by Silencer Central program makes me very proud,” said