Silencer Central Supports Conservation
Silencer Central’s commitment to hunting and gun rights advocacy, education, and conservation is reinforced through partnerships. To date, Silencer Central has helped raise over $9.2 million for these efforts.
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
RMEF and its partners provide financial support to carry out prescribed burning, forest thinning, noxious weed treatments, the establishment of wildlife water developments, and other projects to enhance elk habitat. Additionally, RMEF provides grants for wildlife management and research to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife, their habitat, and our hunting heritage.

Ducks Unlimited
Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores, and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America’s waterfowl. These habitats also benefit other wildlife and hunters.

Delta Waterfowl
Delta Waterfowl is The Duck Hunters Organization that works to produce ducks through intensive management programs and the conservation of breeding duck habitats. Delta conducts vital waterfowl research and promotes and protects the continuing tradition of waterfowl hunting in North America.

National Wild Turkey Federation
The National Wild Turkey Federation dedicates its program to supporting wildlife management on public, private, and corporate lands to help protect wild turkey hunting. NWTF sponsors and runs multiple education and outreach programs that are designed to preserve our hunting heritage and ensure Health Habitats and Healthy Harvests.

Dallas Safari Club
DSC’s mission is to ensure the conservation of wildlife through public engagement, education and advocacy for well-regulated hunting and sustainable use. Over the past few years, DSC has been able to raise over $5 million to support projects, organizations and programs that align with their mission.

Mule Deer Foundation
The Mule Deer Foundation is dedicated to restoring, improving, and protecting mule deer and black-tailed deer and their habitat, with a focus on science and program efficiency. They are committed to sustaining the western deer population by ensuring quality habitat areas on a daily, seasonal, and yearly basis.

Safari Club International
Founded in 1970 Safari Club International exists with a mission to protect the freedom to hunt and to promote wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI is the leader in educating and influencing elected officials and policy decision-makers on the essential role of hunting in science-based management of wildlife and habitat.

Houston Safari Club
The Houston Safari Club Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve the sport of hunting through education, conservation, and the promotion of our hunting heritage. Their members have a common passion for the outdoors, a love of hunting, and a commitment to the responsible management of our natural resources.

Turkeys for Tomorrow
The mission of Turkeys For Tomorrow has not and will not change. We are dedicated to reversing the declining wild turkey populations across the United States… Nothing more, nothing less.

Whitetails Unlimited
Whitetails Unlimited’s mission is to raise funds in support of (1) educational programs, (2) wildlife habitat enhancement and acquisition, and (3) preservation of the hunting tradition and shooting sports for future generations.

National Deer Association
We are uniting hunters, state and federal wildlife agencies, the hunting industry, elected officials, and non-hunters to ensure the welfare and sustainability of wild deer and their habitat.

Pheasants Forever
In 1982, a group of pheasant hunters saw the connection between upland habitat loss and declining pheasant populations. An organization dedicated to wildlife habitat conservation was needed, and Pheasants Forever was formed. Pheasants Forever’s mission work quickly garnered it a reputation as “The Habitat Organization,” a tagline the nonprofit conservation group uses proudly to this day.
Pheasants Forever’s mission is to conserve pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.

Quail Forever
In 2005, in response to continued declines in quail populations and suitable quail habitat, Pheasants Forever formed a quail division, Quail Forever.
Quail Forever’s mission is to conserve quail, pheasants, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.